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Network Scientific Journal of RSATU
"Network Scientific Journal of RSATU" Registration number ElFS77-85985 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostychev" publishes articles in the following specialties:
Sections by Scientific Fields
4. Agricultural Sciences
Sections by Specialties
4.1.1. General Agriculture and Crop Science (Agricultural Sciences. Biological Sciences)
4.1.3. Agrochemistry, Agrosoil Science, Plant Protection, and Quarantine (Agricultural Sciences. Biological Sciences)


The Journal is 1 year old!
Happy New Year 2025, dear authors and readers!

Letters of thanks and certificates of publication

The RSATU network journal has received registration
The founder and publisher of the journal is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named after P.A. Kostychev".
Founder and publisher's address: 390044, Ryazan, Kostychev Street, 1
E-mail: networkjournal@rgatu.ru
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